Wellness is our right and privilege, yet we live at such a fast pace, we seem to have little time to devote to our own self-care. In today's society, we often relate it to the presence or absence of disease, which puts our choices into other persons' hands.
On this page we will explore options that promote awareness, education, and growth, The suggestions listed on the page are for your review in order to determine whether or not you want to incorporate them into your lifestyle. Doing your own research is strongly suggested. Wellness Tips: The suggestions listed on this page are also on my Facebook group page, HeartSong Healing Wellness Tips. Participation is open to persons who are members of the Facebook community. All areas of wellness are included. Disclaimer:
Zinc HealsCheck out Licorice as a viral fighter. It has been used for centuries in Traditional Chinese Medicine for its antiviral effects. Modern studies have been shown to have antiviral effects against viruses like the herpes virus, SARS, HIV, and influenza, and is being recognized as a potential broad-spectrum antiviral property.
Massage HealsMassage is a wonderful way to bring your body into good health and wellness. Massage works out body kinks and sore places often caused by a buildup of lymph and moves trapped energy out of your body. Consider one massage a month as good wellness maintenance. Other benefits are shown below.