Private Heart-Focused Coaching Sessions
Your body is a miraculous storage vessel that carries within it all of life's traumas and joys as well as a myriad of experiences in between. It remembers everything even when you do not. Using this approach, you will learn how to master the low times and open the door to bigger accomplishments and easily move from negativity to strength and understanding.
I offer a simple heart-focused process that will assist you in releasing associated uncomfortable thoughts and feelings that are holding you back as a result. The process works because it effectively gets to the heart of your issues, validates unhealed, traumatic feelings and emotions, and wipes away any associated negative beliefs. You will confidently and easily end any sabotaging efforts that prevent you from achieving wholeness.
At the end of the session, you will have the skills to better understand yourself and connect with your younger self which has been waiting to be accepted, understood and transformed.
This simple and effective coaching technique will open the doors to greater levels of acceptance, freedom, health, joy and fulfilling relationships by simply accessing and releasing what is buried deep within.
You will discover how to:
- Accept and appreciate yourself
- Replace insecurity with self-acceptance
- Trust your own judgment
- To step into your true potential
- Set soul-inspiring goals
- Live with purpose
Go to my Connection Page to book your Private Session. Give yourself the gift of freedom, peace, love and grace!
"I was drowning in problems; I can't believe how much easier it is to breathe. I feel I can make it now."
"I thought I had to be perfect to get along with others, wow, was I wrong. Working with Cynthia, I am more relaxed, AND I love my new self."